Hospice Care Services in Massachusetts
We understand how important quality end-of-life care is to individuals and their families. Greater Boston Home Health Care refers clients who require hospice services to trained, compassionate hospice caregivers at our Visiting Nurse Association and hospice agency partners.
- Work with clients and their families to ensure that their loved ones have the emotional and practical support they need when dealing with end of life care.
- Typically hospice care is put in place with our partners in a VNA setting. This partnership ensures that families have access to the nursing, care management and emotional support services during this difficult time.
- Aides assigned to hospice cases typically have experience working with hospice clients and are sensitive to their needs.
Speak with a Care Coordinator
You can easily set up services with us by calling one of our offices to speak with a Care Coordinator (781) 762-2929. Normal office hours are Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. After normal office hours a coordinator is always on-call, 24 hours a day, and can be reached at (888) 762-2929.